la Carta della Terra
Earth Charter International (ECI)

Earth Charter International (ECI) is the international organization that spreads the Earth Charter. And 'structured on three levels, including two operating:

 ■ International Commission (EC Commission) was formed to follow the process of consultation, drafting and approval of the Earth Charter. Chaired by Mikhail Gorbachev (Russia), Mercedes Sosa (Argentina), Maurice Strong (Canada) and Amadou Toumani Toure (Mali), comprising the Heads of State and diplomats. Achieved its purpose, is no longer active;

 ■ The International Committee (EC Council), which has the responsibility to promote and coordinate efforts related to the Earth Charter. And 'chaired by Steven Rockefeller (USA) and Erna Witoelar (Indonesia);

■ Operating Secretariat (EC Executive Staff), who directs the International Center in San José (Costa Rica) at the University of Peace established by the UN, which is also home to the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development initiatives. And 'directed by Mirian Vilela.