la Carta della Terra
The Web of life: toward an integrated vision of reality

The Web of Life. Toward an integrated vision of reality 
Brescia, 28 novembre 2009

In partnership with University of Brescia - Facultyof Engineering

Supported by UNESCO, Earth Charter International - Italian Ministry of Education - Lombardy Region - Municipality of Castegnato

The present event is part of the UN’s Decade for Education on Sustainable Development (2005-2014), and is an opportunity to extend the debate and range of actions about the educational potential of the Earth Charter, with a particular focus on Earth caring and the building of sustainable communities in a integrated view of the world. In our day, science and spirituality are on a converging course: from cutting-edge science emerge the realization that the cosmos is not a domain of unconscious matter moving about in passive space; it is a dynamic, self-evolving whole, integral at all scales and in all domains. That is also the view proposed by the Eart Charter: Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life (from the Preamble).

The very special guest of the congress will be Ervin Laszlo, leading systems theorist, generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and generalevolution theory, and founder and President of the Club of Budapest. Is author or editor of seventy books translated into as many as twenty languages, and has over four hundred articles and research papers and six volumes of piano recordings to his credit. His titles and distinctions include a Ph.D. in “Lettres et Sciences Humaines” from the Sorbonne in Paris and an “Artist Diploma” from the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace two times.
